My Portfolio

A social platfom made for publishing and adopting pets. Currently in MVP stage: Google sign-in, browsing, posting, image uploading. Using NextJs w/ API routes, Prisma and PlanetScale database.
ReactNext.jsTypeScriptTailwind CSS
Discord Bot
An exploration of TypeScript and object-oriented programming within the world of Discord bots. This project showcases an array of fun commands while highlighting its structural design.
Find directions to plots and places in gated communities or country clubs. As a freelance project for a client, I buit a website, mobile app, and API server. The app is available on Play Store, and will soon be uploaded to iOS App Store.
React NativeNode.jsTypeScript
My personal website and blog. Built with Next.js, CMS and next-mdx-remote. Blogs are written in MD language in Sanity Studio, then fetched and compiled into articles during SSG. TypeScriptTailwind CSS